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Pioneering Leadership with Sustainability

pioneering leadership with sustainability Apr 14, 2020

Everything in the world starts with a deep understanding of the inner perspective. This is how Lars Borgmann, pioneering Leadership Developer and Consultant, specialized in “The DNA of Sustainability” explains personal leadership influenced by therapy– a tool to maximise the opportunity this crisis is presenting.

We tend to look at sustainability as an outside or external matter but inner or internal sustainability actually demonstrates how interconnected we are to each other and to our world. And seeing this super interconnectedness is very critical. Lars explains this lens with this example: people in different places getting infected with the virus VS our earth getting sick and infected. But nothing in the mainstream conversation focuses on the immune system and the strategy of building the inside to effect the outside. DNA is not just something we inherit, but also something we shape and reshape.

So for Lars, instead of getting occupied with panic media, we must take the time to reflect on our sustainability and resilience as a self-leadership tool.

Working with different organizations, Lars saw some recurring issues: we built up a society where people feel under stress from complexity, from the minutes and seconds and from the underlying fear and difficulty coping with and adapting to massive changes. And our Earth is screaming at us: we need less, we don’t need more. We are on the same boat.

Throughout his extensive experience in pioneering leadership, Lars observed that everyone loves development as long as we don’t have to change. Because we are afraid to move into the unknown. So how to be part of the solution? By confronting fear.

Take in and let go and trust that the more we let go, the more comes for us to take in. Embrace the new consciousness and create from there.

Connect with Lars here.

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